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Stop daydreaming about your pole goals!

Let’s make them a reality!

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Drop me an email! neola@thepolept.com

Here’s what my previous clients had to say!

After 2 weeks of your training, I can now handspring - something I have been trying to learn for the last 3 years. Just thought you should know how amazing you are!


Can't thank you enough! Your program is exactly what I was looking for!


Just started this week and am really enjoying it! The app is super clear and easy to follow - I like the way it repeats so I can listen to your instructions whilst I am doing my reps. It’s good to have the written and visual guidance and different levels to make things easier or more difficult! Fab!


I did the handstand gym session on Sunday, and I am feeling it today!! This is just what I need to get myself training again. I love being able to film myself, keep notes etc and this has really motivated me to get my butt in gear.


I've been working with Neo since October. She is a great accountability partner, even from across the pond! She's helped me be more conscious of what I'm eating and how I'm moving. Life changing! Highly recommended!


Before my coaching, I was lost, I didn't know how to plan my weekly training. It was very stressful for me. Now, I have the serenity that all is going in the right way. Thank you Neo, your coaching means a lot for me.


Neo has been the best and keeps me super accountable. Run don't walk to contact her.


Honestly, I've done the online workout thing before, and yours is so much better. With others, I didn't get the trainer actually addressing me as an individual. You've been so supportive and amazing. I feel like I’m finally doing something that not only works, but the videos and messaging helps me feel like I have someone there with me, and that really helps.


Third week of training with Neo…. Just did a clean set of six nice chin ups, after being stuck at four for months. Sometimes the best results are when we least expect them!! THANK YOU NEO!
